
  • Alpha/Luna - the male or female wolf that leads the pack.
  • Beta - the next in line to lead the pack should the alpha die.
  • Elder - a wolf that has reached at least a century mark in time.
  • Omega - the lowest rank within a wolf pack.
  • Subordinate - any member not designated as an alpha, beta or omega.

Heat Cycles - Male and female wolves undergo different physical changes when they are prepared to mate and actively seek a connection to another. For mated males, they usually grow very possessive, and very protective of their mates.  They will often attack without thinking if another male comes too close and have a driven need to procreate. In the case of the missing blood bond, the wolf may become overly aggressive and territorial. They may be driven to commit heinous acts in order to establish their connection to their mate. For mated females, they may also become very possessive of their mate. In the case of the Luna, any unmated she-wolf in the area often go on extended leaves to clear the pack Alpha’s senses and prevent unnecessary and unprovoked acts of violence. Heated females are driven by their most basic maternal needs and are extremely fertile during the moon cycles.

Mating (Pair Bonding/Marking) - The Pairing process takes place over the space of at least two moons. For many it begins with the acceptance of a mate or those lucky enough to have discovered their true mates. The couple is blessed by the Alpha and Luna to commence with their mating. Under the first full moon, the wolves have intercourse and are locked beneath the moon Goddess as a pair. At this point they enter the stage of the challenge chase. In the chase, each party has the opportunity to decide if they want to continue the mating. If so, they are expected to prove this in a series of set challenges (for traditional packs).

Ritual Bonding (Blood Bonding) - Once a pairing has been made, at the next moon cycle, the lycan pair perform a bloodletting in order to establish their eternal connection. During this process, the male and female bite their mates on various veins of their body marking them and drinking their blood. Once completed this ritual allows both parties to share emotions, communicate telepathically, feel stronger physical changes within their mate and move as one powerful unit. This ability can also be turned on and off per lycan's desires.

Whelp - the young of the dog or of the wolf.

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