Thursday, June 27, 2013

Chapter 15: Intermission

*Warning: Picture heavy (but it's mostly because of the ballet).*

Tonight is the big night. Everyone is dressed up and sitting in the audience prepared for my performance as Odette in Swan Lake and for the first time in a long time I actually feel nervous. Not so much about my performance but the fact that he will be here, watching. I told him it was no big deal and he didn’t have to try and make an appearance for my sake but he said it was something he wanted to do. That it’s nice supporting a friend in her choices especially since it will be my last dance. And he’s right about that. I’ve decided that I don’t want this ‘career’. I want to be able to write whatever I want, whenever I want without fear of being reprimanded or treated like a child. 

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Chapter 14: Past Haunts

Blake stood outside the locked doors of his old home just staring at the front walkway as if it was some angry snake waiting to strike him for his trespass. The look of the place was dark and ominous and remained the resolute, chilling reminder of days long since passed and the man he could no longer be. The yard was trimmed and had been well cared for by his dearest friend and he could see through the partially uncovered windows not much had changed on the inside either. “Are you going in or plan on standing out here all night?” Nick’s voice broke through the silence and he moved around Blake towards the front door.
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