Thursday, September 19, 2013

Chapter 21: Taken

“Have you sent word to her parents?” Stone asked as he sat sharpening his nails with an emery board.

“Don’t worry about them,” Brody growled and looked back at the door that held Natalie, blowing a curl of smoke lazily from his lips. “Once she misses her ballet rehearsal her Mom will contact the National Guard and make it breaking news worldwide.”

“Good,” he chuckled and lodged the file towards the coffee table. “Pretty soon her wolf should come looking for her too.”
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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Chapter 20: You Again?

- Blake, are you there?

Natalie began a text as she threw herself onto her bed listening to her mother and the ladies of the South Preston Women’s club go about planning another event for the upcoming season. It was the constant parties, constant phony charities and constant smiling for the cameras that made Natalie roll her eyes. None of them ever meant to do any real good for the people of the city. It was all about keeping their names in the papers and proving to the people of Cresting Heights what ‘great humanitarians’ they were.
Continue Reading: "Chapter 20: You Again?"